Thursday, January 22, 2009

Homeless and Killed

"Teen dies following shooting near Kearns High

The 16-year-old victim wounded in a shooting near Kearns High School today has died. Sheriff's deputies believe the shooting may have been gang-related.

The shooting happened around noon, two blocks west of Kearns High School. Salt Lake County sheriff's deputies say there was some sort of confrontation between groups with gang affiliation, and the 16-year-old student was shot several times in the stomach."

I knew the shooter. He was in one of my classes last year.

Unfortunately, the guy that was shot (Steven) died at about 6 PM, 6 hours after he was shot.

It happened a few blocks down from my school. We were supposed to go into lockdown but we didn't because our principal is a creep.

I'm guessing nobody actually reads or will ever read this blog. This is mostly for me, I suppose.

One of my best friends, Kaylee, got kicked out of her house last night. She has nothing but the clothes on her back for the moment.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jesus' Crucifixion

Today in seminary we learned about how Jesus was hung on the cross to die, and on Tuesday we learned about how He was in the Garden of Gethsemane and paid for all our sins.
They were really touching lessons.

For a recap on the Garden of Gethsemane:
Jesus went there all the time to think, ponder, survey, and pray to God. He knew He was going to die there, but that was the place He preferred to go. During his last week on this Earth, He went into the Garden with His 12 apostles. He left 10 of them behind as He continued with the other 2 deeper into Gethsemane. He collapsed and prayed to our God. He knew He was going to suffer for all of our sins...all of them we will ever make, physically, mentally, and emotionally. As He prayed, He felt the pain we feel on a daily basis. He knows what it's like to break a bone (though He's never broke one), to be teased, whipped, etc. After He finished praying, He went back to His apostles and found them asleep. He asked them how they would be asleep, knowing He was suffering for us. All of us are asleep, are we not? Anyway, He went back to where He was praying before and did it again. Then again. 3 times He went to pray, and every time He was hurt more, getting only more exhausted. Then He went back to His apostles just as a group of soldiers came for Him. Somebody's ear got sliced off by Peter, the 1 apostle who betrayed Jesus. But He touched the man's ear-space and he was healed. The soldiers took Jesus and...

Recap on Jesus' crucifixion:
...they took Him back to town. They beat Him, spit on Him, and tortured Him. Peter denied his presence in the Garden of Gethsemane three times and the rooster crowed, just as Jesus told him earlier that it would. Jesus had an unfair trial and was sentenced to imprisonment. This was in Herod. He then was led into another town, then back to Herod to die. Two servants scourged (
1. a whip or lash, esp. for the infliction of punishment or torture.
2. a person or thing that applies or administers punishment or severe criticism.) Him.
His back was torn up, sliced, and bloody. He lost a lot of blood, though He didn't die from the loss. He was beat up some more, then forced to carry his own cross up the mountain to where He was going to be crucified. He collapsed before going all the way up, so they soldiers had some random dude from off the street take the wood up the rest of the way. When they all got to the top, Jesus' hands were pierced with long, thick, rusted-metal, nails. He was nailed in the middle of both His hands, but that wasn't enough because He had to be pulled up by the nails onto the cross, and the nails would've ripped all the way through His hand. So they also nailed Him in the wrists, right where the blood vein is that houses a nerve system. That nerve system made Him throb everywhere. They put one of His feet over the other and nailed them straight through to the wood. Slumped over uncomfortably, He had to swivel his hands around the nails and stand up on His nailed feet to take a deep breath, then He had to drop Himself down again because it's hard to stay like that. 2 other prisoners were on crosses also, on either side of Him. One was against Jesus, the other was in agreement with Him. He made 7 last statements, then died on the cross. After He died, one of the soldiers inserted a spear into the sac around Jesus' heart and wiggled it around, just to make sure He was dead.

The lesson almost made me cry. Tears were brimming around my eyes, but I fought them back. Thinking of all the mistakes I made and how little of them I repent for or even recognize. Jesus suffered through all the pain EVERYBODY went we can live with Him.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kerli, goals, and life.

You think you know me
And everything that you consider me
You think you know my name
You think you know me
And everything you get a chance to see
You think you know my face
You think you know my face

You think you see me
And everything that you consider me
You think I'm more than you
You think you see me
You like the way I'm strong and stand by you
But I am fragile too
I am fragile too

Yeah I will be fine
As the time goes by
It may hurt at nights
But I will be fine
Yeah I will be just fine

They think they know me
And everything that they consider me
They think I never cry
They are thinking
While they're making up their twisted lies
She won't mind, she's nice
She's as cold as ice

You think you see me
And everything that you consider me
You think I'm more than you
You think you see me
You like the way I'm strong and stand by you
But I am fragile too
I am fragile too
I am fragile too
I am fragile too

Just like you

That's my new favorite song. The lyrics, anyway, not the actual song.
It's "Fragile" by Kerli, some singer from Estonia. You should check her out.
There's a link to a video of the song.

I made lists of goals. Both life goals and 2009 goals. Here they are (Yes, some of them are religious. Just deal. :P):

Goals for 2009:
  1. Read the Bible again.
  2. Finish my story completely and, if I have time, revise and/or proofread it.
  3. Be more fashion-forward.
  4. Continue to be a full-tithe payer.
  5. Learn how to play at least two professional-type guitar songs & play it for a group.
  6. Don't complain so often.
  7. Give compliments like no other.
  8. Write an original song with words and guitar music. Play it for a group.
  9. If I get a camera sometime, become better at photography.
  10. Finish a value for Personal Progress.
  11. Be more helpful.
  12. Keep up with my blog.
  13. Get no lower than a B on my report cards.
  14. Set my priorities, school being before friends, etc.
  15. Go to church regularly.
  16. Don't stop writing. Always be working on something.

Life goals:
  1. Get married in the temple to a worthy man.
  2. Have children after a few years of marriage.
  3. Go to college and if possible, to SUU (Southern Utah University) with or without Kaylee and/or Steevey.
  4. Become an English major.
  5. Publish a work of original literature.
  6. Become a book editor.
  7. Have a side job as a freelance writer.
  8. Become fluent in another language, preferably German.
  9. Become a good guitar and/or flute player.
  10. Save somebody's life.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I made that other post no more than 10 minutes ago, and I got bored so here's another one.

-talks to friends for 15 minutes-

NOW here's another one!:
Now that I don't have anything so say...
Let's review my life.

When I was born, I had problemos.
Truth is, I couldn't poo!
So I had two surgeries: one that goes down, around my belly button, and down some more because you can't cut through your belly button during surgery, and another going across underneath that. The one with my belly button looks like a cent sign :D My aunt and uncle had the same problems, and my uncle died when he was 5 or 4 or something. My aunt's alive and well, and she's actually expecting a baby! Her and her husband had to go through treatment after treatment to try to get pregnant. I don't know why they couldn't just do it, you know, naturally, but I hope it doesn't have to do with the problems I had, too. I WANT KIDS!!!!

My twin brother was born 2 minutes after me. We're not identical, obviously. It just doesn't work that way. Haha. And, just to save you the time of hoping to have one, TWINS SUCK. I go to school and people will find out we're twins then I never get treated the same. It's stupid. I mean, it's, like, normal for me for people to be twins because I am one. It makes me no different.

My next brother was born a few years after that, then my youngest brother, whose 6 now.

I live with them and both my parents.

I'm LDS, a.k.a. Mormon. I've heard some pretty bizarre rumors about the Church, like why we celebrate Christmas, what we do in our temples, etc. It has nothing to do with Jesus sliding down a pine tree in a green thing, and we're not some gang/cult thing. We simply worship, believe, and have faith. are some quick facts about me:
  • I'm left-handed.
  • I'm an animal-lover.
  • I tried being a vegetarian one time but my mom must hate me because she bought baby back ribs for dinner that night. I gave up on my vegan-ways.
  • I do not believe abortion is a solution.
  • I have mostly As in school.

The New Year

I'm not going to post a picture of myself, or any hint of who I might be. I am me and I want people to judge me on my personality and such, not by how old I look, or how ugly I may be. So deal. =P

So I really should have some goals for this year.
I don't have any, really.
Why? Because I know I won't accomplish them. One of the first things you'll learn about me is that a am a procrastinator and I barely ever finish what I start.
What's the point in setting myself up for something I'm not gonna achieve?

Wow, my first post and I already sound emo.
Really, I'm not. I swear on David Archuleta's grave that I'm not emo. And I love David, so I'm serious about my non-emo-ness. :P

So I'm writing this story, right?
I started a few years ago and I took this ginormous break for, like, 8 months. Then I started writing again in July-ish of this year, and I've been working on it casually ever since.
Yeah, I think I'm a good writer. Mostly I think that because of what other people say about it. This guy who's obsessed with me, Joel, likes it. Though he told me it was only because he likes me. And Rebekah, my friend, is a loyal reader/editor/suggester. Is suggester even a word? Oh well. Anyway, my best friend Alyssa was with me since the start. She gives me a lot of advice and ideas for when I'm stuck, and she motivates me. Last year at recess she'd read it aloud to her friends Kevin, Berlin, Adele...I'm probably getting all the wrong people... But Kevin for sure!
I finished writing part one, and now I'm on part two -PARTAY!!-
So I guess that's my goal for this year. To finish part two and maybe part three, if I go that far.

Out of all that, I'm sure you don't care a bit about any of it!

OMGoodness, IDEA!!
Everytime I post I'm going to put a line from my story in there. Like, a quote. xD

"Everything was still, but my world was spinning."